Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 4th Edition 9780199843602
Product Edition:4th Edition
Author: Sarah Chinn, Linda Martin Alcoff, Jacqueline Nassy Brown, Florence Denmark, Dorothy O. Helly, Shirley Hune, Rupal Oza, Sarah B. Pomeroy, Carolyn M. Somerville
Book Name: Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
Subject Name: Science

Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 4th Edition Solutions

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This landmark text introduces readers to the field of women's studies by analyzing the contradictions between social and cultural "givens" and the realities that women face in society. Written collectively by nine authors from various disciplines Women's Realities Women's Choices Fourth Edition has been updated to incorporate the latest research and statistics in the field. Covering the most recent developments in politics labor family life religion and culture the book also features extensive research on relevant social issues such as the impact of the post-Soviet world on women's lives the experience of homosexuality in family life and the effects of economic globalization on women worldwide. Examining women as individuals as family members and as a force in the greater social fabric Women's Realities Women's Choices remains the most timely comprehensive and compelling introduction to the field of women's studies.New to This Edition* An updated conceptual organization* A focus on transnational feminism and globalization* An entire chapter devoted to intersectionality and differences among women* Updates to every chapter reflecting changes in the field and in the worldRead more


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