Voices from the Inside Readings on the Experience of Mentals Ills 1st Edition 9780195370454
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: David A. Karp, Gretchen E. Sisson
Book Name: Voices from the Inside Readings on the Experience of Mentals Ills
Subject Name: Social-science

Voices from the Inside Readings on the Experience of Mentals Ills 1st Edition Solutions

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One of sociology's most important missions is giving voice to those whose experiences are typically otherwise blunted marginalized or simply ignored. Featuring memorable first-person accounts of mentally ill individuals Voices from the Inside: Readings on the Experiences of Mental Illnessallows students to connect directly with real-life "experts" who know mental illness all too intimately.This unique anthology addresses a variety of central topics surrounding mental illness including suicide hospitalization the meanings of medication the experiences of caregivers and the stigma attached to mental illness. Each section of readings opens with a "sensitizing" introduction thatoutlines key questions specific matters for student consideration and ways in which social scientists approach relevant substantive issues. The thought-provoking discussion questions following each set of readings are designed to foster vibrant class discussion.Comprehensive enough to be used throughout a course--but brief enough to be combined with other supplementary materials or a full-scale textbook--Voices from the Inside is ideal for upper-level undergraduate or graduate courses on the sociology of mental health and illness. It can also be used incourses in medical sociology social work and mental health nursing and mental health and abnormal psychology.Read more


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