Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th Edition 9781455753581
Product Edition:7th Edition
Author: Margaret Jordan Halter
Book Name: Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Subject Name: Science

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Using a practical clinical perspective Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach 7th Edition provides a clear understanding of the often-intimidating subject of psychiatric mental health nursing.Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application preparing you for practice with real-world examples. New to this edition are the latest DSM-5 guidelines along with coverage of trauma pediatric mental health and QSEN competencies.From new lead author Dr. Margaret Jordan Halter this comprehensive RN psychiatric nursing text is a bestseller!Reader-friendly features reinforce important information and help in applying textbook content to the clinical setting emphasizing key terms and concepts key points to remember critical thinking and chapter reviews.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide specific instructions for diagnosis and treatment.Health Policy boxes addresses important Healthy People 2010 issues to increase clinical awareness.Considering Culture boxes discuss the importance of cultural considerations in providing competent care to diverse populations in various clinical situations.Coverage of NIC and NOC provides the basic understanding of NIC and NOC methods of documenting patient care necessary at the RN level.Clinical chapters follow the six-step nursing process providing consistent guidelines for comprehensive assessment and intervention.NEW DSM-5 guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are fully incorporated in the text and include updated NANDA content.NEW coverage of QSEN competencies highlights topics such as safety communication and evidence-based practice.NEW coverage of trauma stressor-related and dissociative disorders discusses how to deal with common reactions the nurse may experience while working with a patient who has suffered trauma.NEW content on child and adolescent psychiatric mental health nursing addresses neurodevelopmental disorders in pediatric patients.NEW coverage of key topics and emerging nursing trends help you stay current with best practices in the field including an illness prevention approach to psychiatric disorders and an increased focus on genetics and genomics.NEW photos and illustrations depict and clarify key concepts.Read more


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