Thermodynamics (in SI Units) 8th Edition 9789814595292
Product Edition:8th Edition
Author: Yunus A. Cengel , Michael A. Boles
Book Name: Thermodynamics (in SI Units)
Subject Name: Engineering

Thermodynamics (in SI Units) 8th Edition Solutions

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Updated: 06/22/2014 - peisiew_yeo Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach eighth edition covers the basic principles of thermodynamics while presenting a wealth of real-world engineering examples so students get a feel for how thermodynamics is applied in engineering practice. This text helps students develop an intuitive understanding by emphasizing the physics and physical arguments. Cengel and Boles explore the various facets of thermodynamics through careful explanations of concepts and use of numerous practical examples and figures having students develop necessary skills to bridge the gap between knowledge and the confidence to properly apply their knowledge.Thermodynamics is now presented in full four-color design. The illustrations and photographs are now more realistic and offer increased understanding to the student. Some of the figures and photographs in the text are intended to serve as a means of emphasizing key concepts that would otherwise go unnoticed.This edition includes over 500 new problems and a significant number of the existing problems are modified. An important change is the update of the R-134a tables to make property values consistent with those from the latest version of EES (Engineering Equasion Solver). All the solved examples and end-of-chapter problems dealing with R-134a are modified to reflect this change.Read more


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