Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach with Student Resource DVD 6th Edition 9780073305370
Product Edition:6th Edition
Author: Michael A. Boles, Yunus A. Cengel
Book Name: Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach with Student Resource DVD
Subject Name: Engineering

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach with Student Resource DVD 6th Edition Solutions

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The worldwide bestseller Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach brings further refinement to an approach that emphasizes a physical understanding of the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics. The authors offer an engineering textbook that "talks directly to tomorrow's engineers in a simple yet precise manner that encourages creative thinking and is read by the students with interest and enthusiasm". Over 500 new or revised homework problems have been added to this 6/e.The media package for this text is extensive giving users a large variety of supplemental resources to choose from. A Student Resources DVD is packaged with each new copy of the text and contains the popular Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software Physical Experiments and an Interactive Thermodynamics tutorial. McGraw-Hill's new Assessment Review and Instruction System (ARIS) is available to students and instructors. ARIS is a complete online tutorial electronic homework and course management system designed for greater ease of use than other systems. ARIS offers 1000 algorithmic problems which will help curb the problem of having homework solutions circulating around campus. ARIS access for instructors is free with the adoption of the text and students can buy access through the bookstore or from the ARIS website.Read more


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