Theory of Equations 0th Edition 9780070667204
Product Edition:0th Edition
Author: Janice Gorzynski Smith
Book Name: Theory of Equations
Subject Name: Maths

Theory of Equations 0th Edition Solutions

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The text is designed for Organic chemistry course of UG students of Chemistry. The text takes functional group approach emphasizing reactions that the different functional groups undergo. Explanations are apt for introductory level. Presentation of concepts is coherent relevant and interesting with a clear and succinct writing style. Language is easy non-descriptive and hence avoiding complex and unwanted detailing illustrative & interesting as applied on chemical phenomena. Relevant materials from everyday life are used to illustrate concepts throughout the text. Key Features: Organization: Content is organized according to functional groups. Chemical reactions have been discussed within this framework thereby emphasizing reactions that different functional groups undergo and not the reactions that prepare them. Presentation: The overall order of topics is consistent with the way most instructors teach organic chemistry. However some important and logical differences include: Review material in introductory chapter to give students a firm grip of fundamental concepts. Stereochemistry is introduced early and reinforced often. Spectroscopy has been discussed elaborately over two chapters. Pedagogy: Chapter outline: list the sections covered in the chapter. How To's Boxes: provide detailed information for key procedures that students need to master. Reaction Mechanisms: presented in a detailed step-by-step fashion. Selected applications: to biology medicine & environment have been integrated throughout. Prologue: to organic chemistry is a casting feature for beginners in the streRead more


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