Theology for Teachers Rev  9782895070207
Product Edition:
Author: Ian Knox
Book Name: Theology for Teachers Rev
Subject Name: Engineering

Theology for Teachers Rev Solutions

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Theology for Teachers is a book for anyone interested in a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the Catholic faith. It is ideal for those who are preparing to teach in Catholic schools as it fills the need for a basic text suited to the curriculum guideline of the Institute for Catholic Education for university courses in religious education.The book is divided into five sections: "Principles of Faith and Faith Growth""An Introduction to the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures""Ecclesiology and Sacrament""Morality Sin and Reconciliation"and "The Last Things (Death and Beyond)." This revised edition refers to numerous sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church which was not available in English when the two previous editions were published. The glossary at the end of the book frequent footnote references suggestions for further reading and index make this work a valuable resource in religious education. Indeed it is a popular textbook used in most faculties of religion across Canada.All readers will benefit from the author's down-to-earth relating of theology to faith life. According to the author "We do not study theology for its own sakewe study it that it may affect our daily life and bring us closer to the living God."Read more


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