The Sociology of Early Childhood: Young Children's Lives and Worlds  9781138089570
Product Edition:
Author: Andrew, Yarrow Fane, Jennifer
Book Name: The Sociology of Early Childhood: Young Children's Lives and Worlds
Subject Name: Social-science

The Sociology of Early Childhood: Young Children's Lives and Worlds Solutions

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The Sociology of Early Childhood brings a new perspective to the field of early childhood education offering insights into how children's diverse backgrounds shape their life chances. This book will be invaluable for all early childhood educators and students who want to explore the complexities of contemporary society.The book takes us through the lives of children from birth to eight years of age highlighting key issues for babies for toddlers and for older children as they grow and learn. Exploring key aspects of inequality such as gender social class race disability Indigeneity and sexuality the sociological insights of this book help educators navigate their role as guides mediators and advocates for young children. Whether it is understanding children's emotions working with families or understanding the challenges of climate change this book will help with practical and relevant knowledge.Traditional approaches to early childhood focus on individual children often missing a critical awareness of social relationships. There has also been a narrow understanding of children's abilities at a given age or stage which has ignored the significant impacts of power privilege and disadvantage. Using sociological theory the authors unpack how these big issues affect all aspects of children's lives showing how children struggle to overcome the negative stereotypes which operate to diminish the life chances of many children. This book gives all those who care about or for young children the tools and understanding to become powerful advocates for a better childhood and a better world.Read more


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