The Criminalization of Mental Illness: Crisis and Opportunity for the Justice System, Second Edition 2nd Edition 9781611630398
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Risdon N. Slate, Jacqueline K. Buffington-Vollum, W. Wesley Johnson
Book Name: The Criminalization of Mental Illness: Crisis and Opportunity for the Justice System, Second Edition
Subject Name: Social-science

The Criminalization of Mental Illness: Crisis and Opportunity for the Justice System, Second Edition 2nd Edition Solutions

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For a myriad of reasons the criminal justice system has become the de facto mental health system. This book explores how and why this is the case. Sensationalized cases often drive criminal justice policies that can sometimes be impulsively enacted and misguided. While there are chapters that examine competency insanity and inpatient and outpatient commitment the primary focus of the book is on the bulk of encounters that clog the criminal justice system with persons with mental illnesses (pwmi). Criminal justice practitioners are often ill-equipped for dealing with pwmi in crises. However via application of therapeutic jurisprudence principles some agencies are better preparing their employees for such encounters and attempting to stop the inhumane and costly recycling of pwmi through the criminal justice system. Coverage runs the gamut from deinstitutionalization to specialized law enforcement responses to mental health courts to jails and prisons to discharge planning diversion and reentry. Also criminal justice practitioners in their own words provide insight into and examples of the interface between the mental health and criminal justice systems. Throughout the book the balance between maintaining public safety and preserving civil liberties is examined as the state's police power and parens patriae roles are considered. Reasoned collaborative approaches for influencing and informing policies that are often driven by crises are discussedthis book also reflects more psychological underpinnings than the first edition as one of the co-authors new to this edition is a forensic clinical psychologist.Read more


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