The Case Study Handbook : How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively about Cases 1st Edition 9781422101582
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: William C. Ellet
Book Name: The Case Study Handbook : How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively about Cases
Subject Name: Business

The Case Study Handbook : How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively about Cases 1st Edition Solutions

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If you're enrolled in an executive education or MBA program you've probably encountered a powerful learning tool: the business case. But if you're like many people you may find interpreting and writing about cases mystifying challenging or downright frustrating. In "The Case Study Handbook" William Ellet presents a potent new approach for analyzing discussing and writing about cases. Early chapters show how to classify cases according to the analytical task they require (solving a problem making a decision or forming an evaluation) and quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case. Strategies and templates in addition to several sample Harvard Business School cases help you apply the author's framework. Later in the book Ellet shows how to write persuasive case-analytical essays based on the process laid out earlier. Extensive examples of effective and ineffective writing further reinforce your learning. The book also includes a chapter on how to talk about cases more effectively in class. Any current or prospective MBA or executive education student needs to read this book.Read more


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