Teaching Secondary School Mathematics 2nd edition 9781743315934
Product Edition:2nd edition
Author: Merrilyn Goos, Gloria Stillman, Colleen Vale, Sandra Herbert, Katie Makar
Book Name: Teaching Secondary School Mathematics
Subject Name: Maths

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Since its first publication Teaching Secondary School Mathematics has established itself as one of the most respected and popular texts for both pre-service and in-service teachers. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the major changes brought about by the introduction of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics as well as discussing significant research findings the evolution of digital teaching and learning technologies and the implications of changes in education policies and practices.The mathematical proficiencies that now underpin the Australian curriculum -- understanding fluency problem solving and reasoning -- are covered in depth in Part 1 and a new section is devoted to the concept of numeracy. The chapter on digital tools and resources has been significantly expanded to reflect the growing use of these technologies in the classroom while the importance of assessment is recognised with new material on assessment for learning and as learning along with a consideration of policy development in this area. Important research findings on common student misconceptions and new and effective approaches for teaching key mathematical skills are covered in detail.As per the first edition readers will find a practical guide to pedagogical approaches and the planning and enactment of lessons together with enhanced chapters on teaching effectively for diversity managing issues of inequality and developing effective relationships with parents and the community.This book is the essential pedagogical tool for every emerging teacher of secondary school mathematics.'The text offers an excellent resource for all of those involved in the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers with links to research literature exemplars of classroom practices and instructional activities that encourage readers to actively examine and critique practices within their own educational settings.' Professor Glenda Anthony Institute of Education Massey University'A rich and engaging textbook that covers all of the important aspects of learning to become an effective secondary mathematics teacher. The second edition of this text ... is further enhanced with updated references to the Australian Curriculum NAPLAN STEM current Indigenous social justice and gender inequity issues and the place of Australian mathematics curricula on the world stage.' Dr Christine Ormond Senior Lecturer Edith Cowan UniversityRead more


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