Strategic Social Marketing  9781446248621
Product Edition:
Author: Jeff French, Ross Gordon
Book Name: Strategic Social Marketing
Subject Name: Business

Strategic Social Marketing Solutions

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This book is not available as a print inspection copy. To download an e-version click here�or for more information contact your�local sales representative.'For anyone interested in great social marketing practice in the 21st century and how it needs to adapt as our understanding of behaviour change evolves this publication is chock full of good practice and smart strategy.��Dan Metcalfe Deputy Director - Marketing Public Health England UKStrategic Social Marketing takes a systemic approach to explaining and illustrating the added value of applying marketing to solve social problems. The authors present social marketing principles in a strategic critical and reflexive way to help engender social good via the effectiveness and efficiency of social programmes in areas such as Health Environment Governance and Public Policy. In illustrating how it can be applied the text places Strategic Social Marketing in a global context giving examples and case studies from around the world.Set into a clear structure it:Takes you through an exploration of why marketing should be an integral component of all social programme design and delivery when looking to achieve social goodMoves on to the nature and application of social marketing rethinking traditional concepts such as��value� and �exchange� in the social contextLays out the �how to� so you can create fully realised strategy plans frameworks and tactics to influence behaviours.Visit the Strategic Social Marketing Website - Featuring free resources for marketing students and lecturers.Read more


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