Statistics for the Utterly Confused 2nd Edition 9780071461931
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Lloyd R. Jaisingh
Book Name: Statistics for the Utterly Confused
Subject Name: Maths

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Statistics for the Utterly Confused Second EditionWhen it comes to understanding statistics even good students can be confused. Perfect for students in any introductory non-calculus-based statistics course and equally useful to professionals working in the world Statistics for the Utterly Confused is your ticket to success. Statistical concepts are explained step-by-step and applied to such diverse fields as business economics finance and more.The message of Statistics for the Utterly Confused is simple: you don't have to be confused anymore. Updated and expanded to give you the latest changes in the field this up-to-the-minute edition includes many new examples of Excel output the most widely used of all statistics programsa new chapter on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)and 200 additions to the 700 self-testing questions and answers. The expert author's Web site also gives you tons of fresh examples practice problems and strategies--so you can go from utterly confused to totally prepared in no time!Inside you'll discover how to:Grasp the meaning of everyday statistical conceptsFind out what's probable and what isn'tRead understand and solve statistics problemsImprove your scores on examsUse your skills in any fieldRead more


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