Statistics for Psychology 6th Edition 9780205258154
Product Edition:6th Edition
Author: Arthur Aron Ph.D., Elaine N. Aron Ph.D., Elliot Coups Ph.D., Cole Publishing
Book Name: Statistics for Psychology
Subject Name: Maths

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Emphasizing meaning and concepts not just symbols and numbers�Statistics for Psychology 6th edition places definitional formulas center stage to emphasize the logic behind statistics and discourage rote memorization. Each procedure is explained in a direct concise language and both verbally and numerically.�MyStatLab is an integral part of the Statistics course. MyStatLab gives students practice with hundreds of homework problems. Every problem includes tools to help students understand and solve each problem - and grades all of the problems for instructors. MyStatLab also includes tests quizzes eText a Gradebook a customizable study plan and much more.�Learning GoalsUpon completing this book readers should be able to:Know both definitional and numerical formulas and how to apply themUnderstand the logic behind each formulaExpose students to the latest thinking in statistical theory and applicationPrepare students to read research articlesLearn how to use SPSSNote: This is the standalone book if you want the book/access card please order the ISBN below�0205924174 / 9780205924172 Statistics for Psychology Plus NEW MyStatLab with eText -- Access Card PackagePackage consists of:���0205258158 / 9780205258154 Statistics for Psychology0205923860 / 9780205923861 New MyStatLab for Social Sciences with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card�Read more


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