Statistics 1st Edition 9780130083692
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Christine A. Franklin, Alan Agresti
Book Name: Statistics
Subject Name: Maths

Statistics 1st Edition Solutions

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For algebra-based Introductory Statistics Courses.�The overarching goal of this text is to empower students to be statistical thinkers�Alan Agresti and Chris Franklin have merged their research expertise as well as their extensive real-world and teaching experience to develop a new introductory statistics text that makes students statistically literate while encouraging them to ask and answer interesting statistical questions. The authors have successfully crafted a text that takes the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science in modern life and makes them accessible and engaging to students without compromising necessary rigor.�The varied and data-rich examples and exercises place heavy emphasis on thinking about and understanding statistical concepts.� The applications are topical and current and successfully illustrate the relevance of statistics.�The authors understand that most of the real-world data that students encounter outside the class room are categorical data.� Unlike many texts at this level Agresti/Franklin incorporates categorical data where appropriate and draws distinctions between theory and practical application of statistical ideas and methods.�The text�was written from the ground up to embrace and support�the 6 recommendations of the ASA endorsed GAISE (Guidelines for Assessment for Instruction in Statistical Education) Report - statistical literacy and develop statistical thinking.Use real data.Stress conceptual understanding rather than mere knowledge of procedures.Foster active learning in the classroom.Use technology for developing� concepts and analyzing data.Use assessment to evaluate and improve student learning.�Comes with a CD containing data sets additional activities and applets.� The CD with the IE furthermore includes Instructor-to-Instructor videos which further detail by chapter the authors approach and provides suggestions on how to present concepts. These Instructor-to-Instructor videos are very complimentary to the IE chapter introductions.Read more


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