Sonography Scanning: Principles and Protocols, 4e (Ultrasound Scanning) 4th Edition 9781455773213
Product Edition:4th Edition
Author: Betty Bates Tempkin BA
Book Name: Sonography Scanning: Principles and Protocols, 4e (Ultrasound Scanning)
Subject Name: Science

Sonography Scanning: Principles and Protocols, 4e (Ultrasound Scanning) 4th Edition Solutions

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Presents a visual step-by-step method for scanning and image documentation to provide diagnostic sonograms for physicians. Scanning principles and specific instructions are provided to improve the quality of sonographic studies and establish standardization. The text includes criteria for professionalism and clinical skills plus requisites for handling ultrasound equipment image labeling image technique and case presentation. A universal method for scanning and documenting pathologies is provided. The protocol chapters provide detailed scanning protocols for the major blood vessels and organs of the abdomen the male and female pelvic regions and obstetrics. Protocols for the abdomen scrotum thyroid gland breast neonatal brain vascular and cardiac systems are also included.Scanning principles and step-by-step instructions on how to scan and document images help users establish standardization and image documentation for physician diagnostic interpretation.Scanning protocols that follow AIUM guidelines provides the essential information on patient prep transducers breathing techniques comprehensive surveys and required images. The location of specific vessels or organs anatomy and physiology sonographic appearance and normal variations are also included.Sonographic ergonomics and proper use of equipment help sonographers avoid occupational injuries.Scanning protocol for pathology provides the criteria for evaluating and documenting abnormal sonographic findings describing those findings within legal parameters and relating those findings to the interpreting physician.Review questions at the end of each chaptergive users the ability to self-review.NEW! Transducer location drawings included on images helps users understand exactly where on the body they should scan to produce a particular image.NEW! Musculoskeletal chapter provides musculoskeletal coverage for those sonographers interested in this specialty.NEW! Two-color streamlined design enhances readability and allows for more images on the page.NEW! 300 new images demonstrate superior quality images from the latest state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment.NEW! Pedagogy including key terms and objectives is included at the beginning of each chapter to specify chapter expectations and focus study.Read more


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