Sexual Health in a Diverse World 2nd Edition 9781465269867
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Consuelo Bonillas
Book Name: Sexual Health in a Diverse World
Subject Name: Science

Sexual Health in a Diverse World 2nd Edition Solutions

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Sexual diversity means different things to different people.Sexual Health in a Diverse World helps the reader appreciate diversity as it relates to their own lives their communities and globally. The book enriches and enhances the reader's knowledge and encourages further study and continued dialogue regarding the ""sexual health"" conversation. The publication features a concise yet wide ranging scope that provides the reader with a variety of perspectives to consider when trying to define her/his own meaning of any sexual content.Written in an engaging and easy-to-read style Sexual Health in a Diverse World:Is progressive! The text embraces the right to sexual health (including being free of sexually transmitted infections freedom from coercion and violence a right to safe and legal abortion freedom from experiencing unintended pregnancies the right to express our gender and sexuality for all individuals and more).Is research-based! The publication features extensive research throughout references and additional websites are provided in each chapterPromotes diversity! The book does not categorize people places or behaviors. For example being in a heterosexual relationship doesn't necessarily mean both partners identify as heterosexual.Is engaging! Beautiful images diagrams challenging quizzes and thought-provoking questions engage the reader and ignite lively class discussions.Read more


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