Sensation and Perception 2nd Edition 9781506383910
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Bennett L. Schwartz, John H. Krantz
Book Name: Sensation and Perception
Subject Name: Social-science

Sensation and Perception 2nd Edition Solutions

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The highly accessible Sensation and Perception presents a current and accurate account of modern sensation and perception from both a cognitive and neurocognitive perspective. To show students the relevance of the material to their everyday lives and future careers authors Bennett L. Schwartz and John H. Krantz connect concepts to real-world applications such as driving cars playing sports and evaluating risk in the military. Interactive Sensation Laboratory Exercises (ISLE) provide simulations of experiments and neurological processes to engage readers with the phenomena covered in the text and give them a deeper understanding of key concepts. The Second Edition includes a revamped version of the In Depth feature from the previous edition in new Exploration sections that invite readers to learn more about exciting developments in the field. Additionally new Ponder Further sections prompt students to practice their critical thinking skills with chapter topics. Available Tools and Resources Interactive eBook Access over 200 Interactive Sensation Laboratory Exercises (ISLE) when you bundle the interactive eBook with the print version. Order using bundle ISBN 978-1-5443-2575-0. Learn more. SAGE coursepacks FREE! Easily import our quality instructor and student resource content into your school's learning management system (LMS) and save time. Learn more. SAGE edge FREE! SAGE edge online resources for students make learning easier. Learn more.Read more


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