Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period 1st Edition 9781138101586
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Gill Thomson, Virginia Schmied
Book Name: Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period
Subject Name: Social-science

Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period 1st Edition Solutions

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Bringing together experts in the field this important book considers the underlying risk factors that create situations of psychosocial vulnerability and marginalisation for mothers from their baby�s conception up to a year after birth. Adopting a strengths-based approach the book looks not only at the incidence and impact of disadvantageous circumstances on women but also explores protective factors at an individual family community and service level. It identifies promising evidence-based interventions and sources of resilience.With a distinctive focus on social and cultural diversity Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period considers a wide range of personal circumstances and social groups including women�s experiences of traumatic birth domestic and family violence drug and alcohol use and mothering by indigenous same-sex and disabled women. Throughout case studies and service user experiences are used to illuminate the issues and illustrate exemplary care practice.International in scope this book is particularly strong on the implications for care practices and health service delivery within Western models of maternity care. Its applied focus and evidence base makes it eminently suitable for study purposes and professional reference. Of relevance to midwives health visitors and other health and social care practitioners Psychosocial Resilience and Risk in the Perinatal Period�s final chapters focus on developing resilience amongst professionals and multiprofessional and interagency working.Read more


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