Principles of Managerial Finance  9781442518193
Product Edition:
Author: Lawrence Gitman, Roger Juchau, Jack Flanagan, Chad J. Zutter
Book Name: Principles of Managerial Finance
Subject Name: Business

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The full text downloaded to your computerWith eBooks you can:search for key concepts words and phrasesmake highlights and notes as you studyshare your notes with friendseBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download) available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.Upon purchase you'll gain instant access to this eBook.Time limitThe�eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your�digital�ebook�products whilst you have your�Bookshelf installed.Once again Principles of Managerial Finance brings you a user friendly text with strong pedagogical features and an easy-to-understand writing style. The new edition continues to provide a proven learning system that integrates pedagogy with concepts and practical applications making it the perfect learning tool for today�s students. The book concentrates on the concepts techniques and practices that are needed to make key financial decisions in an increasingly competitive business environment.Not only does this text provide a strong basis for further studies of Managerial Finance but it also incorporates a personal finance perspective. The effect is that students gain a greater understanding of finance as a whole and how it affects their day-to-day livesit answers the question �Why does finance matter to ME?�By providing a balance of managerial and personal finance perspectives clear exposition comprehensive content and a broad range of support resources Principles of Managerial Finance will continue to be the preferred choice for many introductory finance courses.SamplesDownload the detailed table of contents�Preview pages from Chapter 2: Financial Statements and AnalysisRead more


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