Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3rd Edition 9780471143239
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: Simon M. Sze
Book Name: Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Subject Name: Engineering

Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3rd Edition Solutions

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Physics Of Semiconductor Devices is a book that can be used as a reference by graduate-level students engineers and scientists and explains all the concepts that are related to semiconductor devices.This is the third edition of the book and it has been completely revised and updated to meet the requirements of students. It covers all the topics comprehensively and explains in details the features of all major bipolar field�effect microwave photonic and sensor devices.The content of the book includes all the recent developments in the field of semiconductor devices including three dimensional Mosfets Modfets resonant tunnelling diodes semiconductor sensors quantum cascade lasers single electron transistors and real space transfer devices. It allows students to apply the concepts that they have learned by working on the practice question sets at the end of every chapter.Physics Of Semiconductor Devices aims to give budding engineers and scientists a chance to brush up their knowledge of semiconductor devices and provides them enough material to analyse every important semiconductor device in practice. It was published by Wiley-Blackwell in its 3rd edition in 2006. The book is available in hardcover.Key Features:The book is furnished with practice questions to evaluate the students� grasp of the concepts.It also comes with a solution manual created by the editorial team.Read more


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