Physics: A Conceptual World View 7th Edition 9780495391524
Product Edition:7th Edition
Author: Larry Kirkpatrick, Gregory E. Francis
Book Name: Physics: A Conceptual World View
Subject Name: Science

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Designed specifically for non-majors PHYSICS: A CONCEPTUAL WORLD VIEW provides an engaging and effective introduction to physics using a flexible fully modular presentation ideal for a wide variety of instructors and courses. Incorporating highly effective Physics Education Research pedagogy the text features an ongoing storyline describing the development of the current physics "world view" which provides students with an understanding of the laws of nature and the context to better appreciate the importance of physics. The text's appealing style and minimal use of math also help to make complex material interesting and easier to master even for students normally intimidated by physics or math. For instructors who want to incorporate more problem-solving skills and quantitative reasoning the optional more detailed "Problem Solving to Accompany Physics: A Conceptual World View" student supplement reveals more of the beauty and power of mathematics in physics. The text can also be customized to fit any syllabus through Cengage Learning's TextChoice custom solution program. In addition the new Seventh Edition includes a thoroughly revised art program featuring elements such as balloon captions and numerous illustrations to help students better visualize and understand key concepts.Read more


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