PFIN3 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) 3rd Edition 9781285082578
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: Michael D Joehnk, Randall Billingsley, Lawrence J Gitman
Book Name: PFIN3 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card)
Subject Name: Business

PFIN3 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) 3rd Edition Solutions

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Created through an extensive "student-tested faculty-approved" review process with student and faculty input PFIN3 is an engaging and accessible solution designed to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today's learners at a value-based price. PFIN3 continues to provide the personal finance content students need in a concise approachable format that appeals to today's busy learner. Shorter chapters an inviting design engaging visuals and removable Chapter-in-Review cards work with numerous online student study tools to reinforce the book's solid life-cycle approach to personal financial management. Students study financial plans assets credit insurance investment and retirement as individuals and families progress through life. Numerous real-life examples and step-by-step learning features help ensure that students master course material and today's critical financial tools and technology. This edition highlights the most recent current statistical information and laws regarding topics such as taxes health care credit banking and estate planning to equip students with contemporary practical skills. All online tools including Excel (R) worksheets that correspond to the book's exercises and Kiplinger videos with money management and investing advice are easily accessed through PFIN3's CourseMate website. Time-saving CengageNOW online course management and Aplia for Finance automated homework solutions further ensure that students develop today's most important personal finance skills.Read more


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