Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Capriotti Theresa
Book Name: Pathophysiology: Introductory Concepts and Clinical Perspectives
Subject Name: Science

Pathophysiology: Introductory Concepts and Clinical Perspectives 1st Edition Solutions

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Real-world perspectives bridge the gap between the science of disease and clinical patient care. You'll clearly see "how" to interpret assessment findings and "why" to choose interventions. Chapters organized by body systems help you understand the relationships between the underlying pathology and the patient assessment data, laboratory findings, and diagnostic testing results. A 3-year access code inside new, printed texts unlocks Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology for you. A wealth of interactive case studies, quizzes, videos, animations and dynamic exercises, plus an integrated e-book version of the text, offer multiple paths to learning success. This immersive, multimedia experience tracks your progress until you have mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in class, clinical, and practice. Key Features Text Full-color illustrations compare normal anatomy and physiology to pathophysiology. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasound pictures, nuclear studies, ECGs, pathology samples, anatomical diagrams, tables, figures, and algorithms illustrate key concepts. Unique "Making the Connections" boxes link symptom, assessment finding, pathophysiologic mechanism, diagnostic test result, treatment, and nursing interventions. "Clinical Concept" boxes throughout explain how key concepts apply to clinical practice. Concise summaries at the end of each chapter cover the most important concepts of disease processes. Flowcharts make it easy to follow pathophysiologic processes. A special emphasis on the clinical applicability of pathophysiology develops the critical-thinking skills essential to selecting appropriate interventions. Content on pathophysiologic mechanisms on a molecular level and genetic concepts in relevant disorders helps you to understand common disease processes, diagnostic tests, and treatments based on altering cell mechanisms. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology Create a Personalized Learning Plan by beginning with a pre-test for each module that assesses your strengths and weaknesses. Follow your personalized learning plan to ensure you master the content. Experience immersive, interactive, multi-media learning with a wealth of quizzes, animations, and dynamic exercises offer multiple paths to learning success. Track your progress in every step of the way in your "Gradebook; you'll know exactly how you're doing and where you need to focus your studies.


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