Operations Management 8th Edition 9781292098678
Product Edition:8th Edition
Author: Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones, Robert Johnston
Book Name: Operations Management
Subject Name: Business

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Were you looking for the book with access to MyOMLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyOMLab. Buy Operations Management 8th edition�with MyOMLab access card�(ISBN 9781292098777) if you need access to MyOMLab as well and save money on this resource. You will also need a course ID from your instructor to access MyOMLab.�Operations management is important exciting challenging � and everywhere you look!�Important because it enables organizations to provide services and products that we all needExciting because it is central to constant changes in customer preference networks of supply and demand and developments in technologyChallenging because solutions must be must be financially sound resource-efficient as well as environmentally and socially responsibleAnd everywhere because in our daily lives whether at work or at home we all experience and manage processes and operations.�New features:There are now more than 110 of the popular �Operations in Practice� examples throughout the book over 40% of which are new.The importance of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been emphasized further and included throughout the book.We have even further strengthened the emphasis on the idea that �operations management� is relevant to every type of business and all functional areas of the organization.Many new ideas in operations management have been incorporated including the �three level� approach to performance the relationship between innovation creativity and design crowdsourcing ideas management business ecosystems triadic relationships office layout telecommuting and organisational �ambidexterity�. However we have retained the emphasis on the foundations of the subject.Six of the 19 cases at the end of the chapter are new (but the old ones are still available on the web site) and provide an up-to-date selection of operations issues.�Operations Management focuses on the sustainable and socially responsible imperatives of operations management using over 120 cases and illustrations of real-life operations around the world including Apple M�decins Sans Fronti�res Amazon Ecover Dyson Disneyland Paris Google The North Face and many more.��This is 24-carat excellence'Par �hlstr�m Torsten and Ragnar S�derberg Chair of Business Administration Stockholm School of Economics�'Operations Management is engaging and accessible but it never dumbs-down. The book is comprehensive but not overwhelming. Students hold on to this oneit�s a �keeper�.'Michael Shulver Birmingham Business School�'This continues to be the definitive operations Management text� � written by the masters of the field!'Dr Ross Ritchie Lecturer in Operations Management Loughborough University�'An essential text packed full of up-to-date examples that really bring the subject to life'Claire Moxham University of Liverpool Management School�'An excellent book for those studying operations management. This book provides great illustrations to seamlessly link theory with practice'Frank Wiengarten ESADE Business School�Operations Management by Nigel Slack and Alistair Brandon-Jones is quite simply the best text on operations management. Comprehensive engaging and insightful I cannot recommend this bRead more


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