Name That Flower: The Identification of Flowering Plants 2nd Revised edition 9780522850604
Product Edition:2nd Revised edition
Author: Clarke, Ian M. Lee, Helen
Book Name: Name That Flower: The Identification of Flowering Plants
Subject Name: Science

Name That Flower: The Identification of Flowering Plants 2nd Revised edition Solutions

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Essential and clear information on how to identify flowering plants. For over fifteen years Name That Flower has provided thousands of serious gardeners and keen botanists professional and amateur with a wonderfully clear concise guide to identifying flowering plants cultivated and in the wild Australian and worldwide. It has been used extensively as a teaching text in numerous courses concerned with the natural world such as agriculture botany environmental management horticulture and landscape design. And now after being reprinted 10 times this essential work has been extended and updated. Profusely illustrated with over 130 detailed line drawings and twelve pages of colour plates this book introduces the reader to the arrangement of flowers on plants reproduction plant structure and function and the way plants are grouped and named. Methods for dissecting flowers and observing their structure for identification purposes are clearly described. A comprehensive glossary and up-to-date bibliography provides a welcome guide to further information. This bestselling source of information for identifying flowering plants is now even more valuable.Read more


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