Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for The Language of Medicine (Access Card), 11e 11th Edition 9780323370868
Product Edition:11th Edition
Author: Davi-Ellen Chabner BA MAT
Book Name: Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for The Language of Medicine (Access Card), 11e
Subject Name: Science

Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for The Language of Medicine (Access Card), 11e 11th Edition Solutions

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Corresponding to the chapters in Chabner's The Language of Medicine 11th Edition Medical Terminology Online now with Elsevier Adaptive Learning accessible within the modules provides supplemental content animations audio reviews games and a variety of interactive exercises and gradable assessments to help students master medical vocabulary.Duration for access to this product is for the life of the edition.Outcome-based learningincludes objectives for each module with an assessment quiz after each section to determine whether you have achieved the desired outcome/objective.Interactive exercises help you recall and recognize medical terms with word building identification spelling pronunciation matching multiple choice true or false fill-in-blank labeling and case studies.Over 1000 illustrations of anatomy disease and disorders reinforce learning with many more illustrations than are included in the textbook.Medical records activities help you become familiar with entries and terminology in the medical record.End-of-module exams assess your mastery of the material with scores automatically sentto the instructor.Glossary of over 6000 terms provides one-click access to definitions and pronunciations in English and Spanish.NEW! Case studies and EAL assignments that feed the LMS gradebook.UNIQUE!?With Elsevier Adaptive Learning each student's?memory strength?is profiled at the course chapter and item level to identify personal learning patterns.A robust educator dashboard?offers at-a-glance access to data on individual and group knowledge usage and retention at the course and item level that can be used to modify lectures or class activities accordingly. EAL assignments are gradable as well.NEW!?Audio reviews after each lesson?provide students - particularly distance learners - the opportunity to hear terminology in context.NEW?Listen and Choose?activity?allows students to practice aural recognition of terminology in context.NEW?games?offer a fun review of terminology.NEW?animations?bring medical terminology to life and helps in visualizing physiologic pathologic and procedural concepts.NEW?list of audio terms?at the end of modules provides a quick easy review of pronunciation.?Read more


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