Mechanics of Materials in SI Units 10th Edition 9789810694364
Product Edition:10th Edition
Author: Russell C. Hibbeler
Book Name: Mechanics of Materials in SI Units
Subject Name: Engineering

Mechanics of Materials in SI Units 10th Edition Solutions

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For undergraduate Mechanics of Materials courses in Mechanical Civil and Aerospace Engineering departments.�Containing Hibbeler�s hallmark student-oriented features this text is in four-color with a photorealistic art program designed to help students visualize difficult concepts. A clear concise writing style and more examples than any other text further contribute to students� ability to master the material.�This edition can be packaged with MasteringEngineering an innovative online program created to emulate the instructor�s office�hour environment guiding students through engineering concepts from Mechanics of Materials with self-paced individualized coaching.�Teaching and Learning ExperienceTo provide a better teaching and learning experience for both instructors and students this program will provide:� Individualized Coaching: Available with MasteringEngineering an online program that emulates the instructor�s office�hour environment using self-paced individualized coaching.� Problem Solving: A large variety of problem types from a broad range of engineering disciplines stress practical realistic situations encountered in professional practice varying levels of difficulty and problems that involve solution by computer.� Visualization: This text is in four-color with a photorealistic art program designed to help students visualize difficult concepts.� Review and Student Support: A thorough end of chapter review provides students with a concise tool for reviewing chapter contents.� Accuracy: The accuracy of the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by four other parties.Read more


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