Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving 2nd Edition 9780123850812
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Stormy Attaway
Book Name: Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
Subject Name: Engineering

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MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Second Edition is the only book that gives a full introduction to programming in MATLAB combined with an explanation of MATLAB�s powerful functions enabling engineers to fully exploit the software�s power to solve engineering problems. The text aims to provide readers with the knowledge of the fundamentals of programming concepts and the skills and techniques needed for basic problem solving using MATLAB as the vehicle.The book presents programming concepts such as variables assignments input/output and selection statements as well as MATLAB built-in functions side-by-side giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve problems. In-depth coverage is given to input/output a topic that is fundamental to many engineering applications. A systematic step-by-step approach that builds on concepts is used throughout the book facilitating easier learning. There are also sections on �common pitfalls� and �programming guidelines� that direct students towards best practice.This book will be an invaluable resource for engineers engineering novices and students learning to program and model in MATLAB.Presents programming concepts and MATLAB built-in functions side-by-side giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve problemsIn depth coverage of file input/output a topic essential for many engineering applicationsSystematic step-by-step approach building on concepts throughout the book facilitating easier learningSections on �common pitfalls� and �programming guidelines� direct students towards best practiceNew to this edition:More engineering applications help the reader learn Matlab in the context of solving technical problemsNew and revised end of chapter problemsStronger coverage of loops and vectorizing in a new chapter chapter 5Updated to reflect current features and functions of the current release of MatlabRead more


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