Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: S.K. Mandal
Book Name: Management: Principles and Practice
Subject Name: Business

Management: Principles and Practice 1st Edition Solutions

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This comprehensive textbook specifically focuses on building a thorough foundation on management studies by sequentially developing the components and basics of management principles and approach, discussing and analysing the Key Features and methods of modern management practices and finally exposing the students to some essential topics on environment management, business ethics, corporate governance and total quality management for sustainable growth and development of business. Students and practicing professionals in this field will be immensely benefited by the coverage and treatment of the book. Key Features: Based on industry experience with focus on building a strong foundation for management studies, especially in the context of the Indian business environment Covers critical areas of management like strategic planning, strategic management, supply-chain management, international trade, entrepreneurship and small business management, information management, environment management, business ethics, corporate governance and modern tools for TQM, including cost of poor quality, benchmarking and six-sigma practice Emphasis on management issues critical to business -organizational culture and leadership, modern HRM, external business environment, ethics of business and corporate governance and responsibility for natural environment management for sustainable growth Provides a wider coverage of the interconnected functions, methods, processes, variables, strategies and tools for excellence in business management, including 80-20 rule, Murphy's Law, 1-10-100 rule of cost management, 360 degree appraisal, JIT, TPM, Kaizen etc.


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