Management, 13Th Edition 13th Edition 9780133910292
Product Edition:13th Edition
Author: Stephen P. Robbins & Mary A. Coulter
Book Name: Management, 13Th Edition
Subject Name: Business

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NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone productMasteringA&P does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringA&P search for ISBN-10:�013397300X /ISBN-13:�9780133973006. That package includes ISBN-10:�0133910296 /ISBN-13:�9780133910292 and ISBN-10:�0133935736/ISBN-13:9780133935738.�For undergraduate Principles of Management courses�REAL Managers REAL ExperiencesWith a renewed focus on skills and careers the new edition of this bestselling text can help better prepare you to enter the job market. Management Thirteenth Edition vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Through examples cases and hands-on exercises you will see and experience management in action helping tyouhem understand how the concepts you are reading about actually work in today�s dynamic business world.�Gain hands-on practice applying management concepts with MyManagementLab. Engage in real business situations with simulations build management skills by writing and talking about different management scenarios access a video library to help put concepts into perspective and more.Also available with MyManagementLab.MyManagementLab is an online homework tutorial and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment students practice what they learn test their understanding and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.�Read more


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