Loose-leaf Version for Psychology in Everyday Life 4E & LaunchPad (Six Month Access) 4th Edition 9781319114480
Product Edition:4th Edition
Author: David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall
Book Name: Loose-leaf Version for Psychology in Everyday Life 4E & LaunchPad (Six Month Access)
Subject Name: Social-science

Loose-leaf Version for Psychology in Everyday Life 4E & LaunchPad (Six Month Access) 4th Edition Solutions

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LEARN IT. LIVE IT.Why take psychology? What makes psychology a science? Can it really help me understand my feelings and behaviors? Or how I get along with family and friends? Now from the world's foremost author for the introductory psychology classroom comes a new textbook that makes learning about the psychology of our lives a captivating experience for students at all levels.Carried by the author's acclaimed empathetic voice Psychology in Everyday Life is David Myers' most inviting text to date. This new book represents a breakthrough in the interplay of text and visuals yet as always provides a rich source of scientific insights into the lives we live. Any student regardless of age or background will find it a text that speaks directly to him or her and will embrace it not just for its grade-raising potential but for its revelations about what makes a person a stronger student a more tuned-in friend or partner a more effective worker or a wiser parent.Read more


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