Loose Leaf for Chemistry in Context with Connect Access Card 9th Edition 9781260160826
Product Edition:9th Edition
Author: American Chemical Society
Book Name: Loose Leaf for Chemistry in Context with Connect Access Card
Subject Name: Science

Loose Leaf for Chemistry in Context with Connect Access Card 9th Edition Solutions

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Following in the tradition of the first eight editions the goal of this successful issues-based textbook Chemistry in Context is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis for non-science majors enabling them to learn chemistry in the context of their own lives and significant issues facing science and the world. The non-traditional approach of Chemistry in Context reflects today's technological issues and the chemistry principles within them. Global warming alternate fuels nutrition and genetic engineering are examples of issues that are covered in Chemistry in Context.�McGraw-Hill Connect is a digital teaching and learningenvironment that saves students and instructors time while improvingperformance over a variety of critical outcomes. Connect strengthens the linkbetween faculty students and coursework helping everyone accomplish more inless time. Innovative technology engages students in the course content so theyare better prepared are more active in discussion and achieve better results. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowersstudents by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need whenthey need it how they need it so that your class� time is more engaging and effective.Read more


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