JavaScript & Jquery 1st Edition 9781118531648
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Jon Duckett
Book Name: JavaScript & Jquery
Subject Name: Engineering

JavaScript & Jquery 1st Edition Solutions

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Learn JavaScript and jQuery a nicer way This full-color book adopts a visual approach to teaching JavaScript & jQuery showing you how to make web pages more interactive and interfaces more intuitive through the use of inspiring code examples infographics and photography. The content assumes no previous programming experience other than knowing how to create a basic web page in HTML & CSS. You'll learn how to achieve techniques seen on many popular websites (such as adding animation tabbed panels content sliders form validation interactive galleries and sorting data).. Introduces core programming concepts in JavaScript and jQuery Uses clear descriptions inspiring examples and easy-to-follow diagrams Teaches you how to create scripts from scratch and understand the thousands of JavaScripts JavaScript APIs and jQuery plugins that are available on the web Demonstrates the latest practices in progressive enhancement cross-browser compatibility and when you may be better off using CSS3 If you're looking to create more enriching web experiences and express your creativity through code then this is the book for you.This book is also available as part of a set in hardcover - Web Design with HTML CSS JavaScript and jQuery 9781119038634 - and in softcover - Web Design with HTML CSS JavaScript and jQuery 9781118907443.Read more


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