The four sections cover: I � Statistical Principles:� Research Principles Sampling Working in SPSSII � Statistical Processes � Descriptive Statistics (continuous and categorical) T Test ANOVA Paired T Test Correlation and Regression Chi-SquareIII � Data Handling: Supplemental SPSS Operations (e.g. generating random numbers multilevel sorting case selection recoding importing data)IV � Fully developed solutions to odd numbered exercises.� Emphasis is placed on fully comprehending statistical results and translating findings into brief textual abstracts.Digital ancillaries include SPSS datasets for examples and exercises and a series of tutorial videos detailing (1) an overview of each statistical process (2) step-by-step SPSS processing guidance for running and interpreting pretest checklists (statistical assumptions criteria) (3) instructions for configuring data and running statistical tests (4) specific guidance on interpreting tables and graphics in the results reports. Instructors receive supplemental ancillaries including syllabi all datasets and PowerPoint presentation files for each chapter.This comprehensive learning package is ideal for in-class remote learning self-paced independent learning or professionals involved in data analysis.Read more
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