Introduction to the World's Oceans 10th Edition 9780073376707
Product Edition:10th Edition
Author: Keith Sverdrup
Book Name: Introduction to the World's Oceans
Subject Name: Science

Introduction to the World's Oceans 10th Edition Solutions

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An Introduction to the World's Oceans Tenth Edition is an introductory oceanography text intended for students without a background in mathematics chemistry physics geology or biology. It emphasizes the role of basic scientific principles in helping understand the processes that govern the ocean and the earth. To keep the text as current as possible the authors conduct their own research and examine other findings such as analyzing satellite data and large-scale oceanographic programs. From this vast amount of data they select interesting relevant and understandable examples that illustrate contemporary principles of oceanography.An Introduction to the World's Oceans places greater emphasis on the physical and geological aspects of the oceans than on the chemical and geochemical properties because the latter disciplines require more specific background knowledge. An ecological approach helps integrate the biological chapters with other subjects. Students are encouraged to look at oceanography as a cohesive and united discipline rather than a collection of subjects gathered under a marine umbrella. As with all previous editions the authors continue to make each chapter stand as independently as possible so that professors can assign chapters in the order that best suits their classrooms.Read more


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