Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders 2nd Edition 9781284099041
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: M. Hunter Manasco
Book Name: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Subject Name: Science

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Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders Second Edition introduces students to common adult communication disorders and associated neuroanatomy and neurophysiology in an accessible functional and clinical context. Fully revised and updated with a full color design the Second Edition continues to provide students with necessary foundational knowledge while highlighting the human element of communication disorders. Illustrative patient profiles provided in new online videos demonstrate actual case examples of symptoms deficits and pathological behaviors reinforcing key concepts presented within the textbook. NEW to the Second Edition New online videos illustrate the possible effects of medical conditions such as stroke and Parkinson�s disease on communication speech language cognition and quality of life Additional information on topics such as the Fregoli delusion Guillain-Barre syndrome visual deficits and more Updated with recent research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy in athletes Full color design and expanded art program Chapter Features Video icons refer students to the accompanying online videos Clinical Notes and Author�s Notes provide real-world insight to the student and humanize the subject matter Main Points summarize key learning objectives Review Questions offer an opportunity to apply content and assess comprehension INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES: Answer Key Slides in PowerPoint format Test Bank STUDENT RESOURCES: Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks an interactive eBook helpful videos* student practice activities and assessments and a dashboard that reports actionable data. *Some electronic formats and eBooks do not include access to Navigate 2 Advantage resources including videos.Read more


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