Intermediate Accounting 1st Edition 9780132162302
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Elizabeth A. Gordon, Jana S. Raedy, Alexander J. Sannella
Book Name: Intermediate Accounting
Subject Name: Business

Intermediate Accounting 1st Edition Solutions

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This title is intended for students in the intermediate accounting course but can also be used as a reference for practicing professionals.Think like an accountant -- from the first day of class throughout your career.Thinking like an accountant isn�t just rote memorization of accounting rules. Rather it�s developing the judgment and decision-making skills needed to form accounting estimates and evaluate financial statements critically. With its focus on Conceptual Framework fundamentals and critical thinking Gordon Raedy and Sannella�s Intermediate Accounting give readers opportunities to develop problem-solving skills apply their judgment and work with real company financials�all of the skills necessary to succeed in the course and beyond. After mastering these essential skills readers will not only be prepared to pass the CPA exam they�ll be able to think like accountants.Also Available with MyAccountingLabThis title is also available with MyAccountingLab � an online homework tutorial and assessment program designed to work with Intermediate Accounting to engage students and improve results. From the first day of class the interactive Accounting Cycle Tutorial gives students ample practice to refresh the basics allowing instructors to spend valuable class time focusing on intermediate-level concepts and applications. Throughout the course students test their understanding receive helpful feedback on their errors and practice solving accounting problems the way they will in their careers.NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone productMyAccountingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyAccountingLab search for ISBN: 0134053710 / 9780134053714. That package includes ISBN: 013216230X / 9780132162302 and ISBN: 0134041216 / 9780134041216.MyAccountingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.Read more


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