Income Tax: Text, Materials and Essential Cases 9th New edition 9781862879928
Product Edition:9th New edition
Author: y Kobetsky, Michael Brown, Catherine Fisher, Rodney Villios, Sylvia Gillies, Peter
Book Name: Income Tax: Text, Materials and Essential Cases
Subject Name: Engineering

Income Tax: Text, Materials and Essential Cases 9th New edition Solutions

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This established text has been revised and updated to include the latest developments in taxation law.The company tax chapter comprehensively covers the taxation of companies including the dividend imputation system and the carry-forward loss rulesThe tax avoidance chapter include recent case lawThe deductions chapter incorporates recent case law on business deductions and deductions available to employeesThe authors introduce and explain the principles of income tax law and the goods and services tax law. Commentary on the key tax concepts and extracts illustrate the application of the principles.All chapters commence with a general overview of the material to be covered. The case extracts are introduced with an outline of the facts the competing arguments and the decision of the court or tribunal. The other extracts include rulings explanatory memorandums and government reports. The authors also use material from economics and politics to provide the context in which tax law has developed. This book is cross-referenced to other taxation books and contains internet citations for extracted cases.Read more


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