The text of this Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1901 Scribner edition and includes all 47 of Riis�s unforgettable photographs along with 2 maps. It is accompanied by Hasia Diner�s insightful introduction and detailed explanatory annotations.An unusually rich �Contexts� section includes autobiographical writings by Riis observations of �the other half� by Riis contemporaries including William T. Elsing Thomas Byrnes William Dean Howells Lilliam W. Betts John Spargo and Lillian Wald and contemporary evaluations of Riis and his seminal book by among others Warren P. Adams Joseph B. Gilder Margaret Burton and Theodore Roosevelt.From the many hundreds of books and articles published on Riis and How the Other Half Lives Hasia Diner has selected nineteen interpretations of the central aspects of author and work. Among these are Jacob Prager on Riis as immigrant and crusaderLouise Ware on Riis the police reporter reformer and �useful citizen�Roy Lubove on the Progressive Movement and tenement reformRichard Tuerk on Riis and the JewsMaren Strange on American social documentary photographyKatrina Irving on immigrant mothersand Timothy J. Gilfoyle on �street culture� and immigrant children.A Chronology of Riis�s life and work and a Selected Bibliography are also included.Read more
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