Hazardous Waste Management  9781577666936
Product Edition:
Author: Lagrega, Michael
Book Name: Hazardous Waste Management
Subject Name: Business

Hazardous Waste Management Solutions

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Hazardous waste management is a complex interdisciplinary field that continues to grow and change as global conditions change. Mastering this evolving and multifaceted field of study requires knowledge of the sources and generation of hazardous wastes the scientific and engineering principles necessary to eliminate the threats they pose to people and the environment the laws regulating their disposal and the best or most cost-effective methods for dealing with them.Written for students with some background in engineering this comprehensive highly acclaimed text does not only provide detailed instructions on how to solve hazardous waste problems but also guides students to think about ways to approach these problems. Each richly detailed self-contained chapter ends with a set of discussion topics and problems. Case studies with equations and design examples are provided throughout the book to give students the chance to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatment and containment technologies.TABLE OF CONTENTS:I: FUNDAMENTALS 1. Hazardous Waste 2. The Legal Framework 3. Process Fundamentals 4. Fate and Transport of Contaminants 5. ToxicologyII: CURRENT MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 6. Environmental Audits 7. Pollution Prevention 8. Facility Development and OperationsIII: TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL METHODS 9. Physicochemical Processes 10. Biological Methods 11. Stabilization and Solidification 12. Thermal Methods 13. Land DisposalIV: SITE REMEDIATION 14. Quantitative Risk Assessment 15. Site and Subsurface Characterization 16. Remedial Technologies 17. Evaluation and Selection of Remedial Actions and Corrective MeasuresAppendixes: Basel Convention / Contaminant Properties / Thermodynamic Properties / Conversion FactorsRead more


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