Getting Started with R : An Introduction for Biologists 2nd edition 9780198787846
Product Edition:2nd edition
Author: Andrew P. Beckerman , Dylan Z. Childs , Owen L. Petchey
Book Name: Getting Started with R : An Introduction for Biologists
Subject Name: Science

Getting Started with R : An Introduction for Biologists 2nd edition Solutions

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R is rapidly becoming the standard software for statistical analyses graphical presentation of data and programming in the natural physical social and engineering sciences. Getting Started with R is now the go-to introductory guide for biologists wanting to learn how to use R in their research. It teaches readers how to import explore graph and analyse data while keeping them focused on their ultimate goals: clearly communicating their data in oral presentations posters papers and reports. It provides a consistent workflow for using R that is simple efficient reliable and reproducible.This second edition has been updated and expanded while retaining the concise and engaging nature of its predecessor offering an accessible and fun introduction to the packages dplyr and ggplot2 for data manipulation and graphing. It expands the set of basic statistics considered in the first edition to include new examples of a simple regression a one-way and a two-way ANOVA. Finally it introduces a new chapter on the generalised linear model.Getting Started with R is suitable for undergraduates graduate students professional researchers and practitioners in the biological sciences.Read more


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