General Chemistry 8th Edition 9780618738793
Product Edition:8th Edition
Author: Darrell D Ebbing
Book Name: General Chemistry
Subject Name: Science

General Chemistry 8th Edition Solutions

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General Chemistry 8/e Media Enhanced Edition provides instructors the latest technology for their courses. Created to meet the rapidly changing instructional needs of General Chemistry professors this edition includes an enhanced technology program that reinforces the approach of the text and updated information within the text to help students and instructors use these resources effectively. The Media Enhanced Edition provides access to assessment tutoring and presentation materials?including online homework video lessons from Thinkwell and a multimedia eBook?through Eduspace Houghton Mifflin's Online Learning Tool. These resources make learning more dynamic and course planning presentation and management more intuitive.Known for its carefully developed thoroughly integrated approach to problem solving this market-leading text emphasizes the conceptual understanding and visualization skills essential for first-year chemistry and science majors. General Chemistry 8/e Media Enhanced Edition retains the hallmark pedagogical features of General Chemistry 8/e and expands upon the conceptual focus and art program through new interactive tutorials and animations.New! The updated Eduspace course offers 300 additional end-of-chapter problemsenhanced animationsa new multimedia eBookand over 50 hours of video lessons from Thinkwell as well as SMARTHINKING live online tutoring.New! The Online Study Center Media Guide provides passkey access to premium student resources available on the student web site. The enhance Online Study Center features new Visualizations interactive tutorials video lessons from Thinkwell electronic flashcards and ACE practice tests to help students review and practice difficult concepts.The Media Integration Guide for Instructors includes several user-friendly supplements designed to make class preparation presentation and course management more efficient and effective: HM Testing CDHM ClassPresent CD with animations and videosOnline Teaching Center accessand information about Eduspace (powered by Blackboard).New! HM Testing (powered by Diploma) now has over 2200 questions?500 of them are algorithmically generated. All questions are tagged with question format level of difficulty and topic for ease-of-use in question selection/test construction.In order to reinforce major chemical concepts the authors present a proven six-part approach to problem solving that includes Example Problem Strategy Solution Answer Check Exercise and corresponding End-of-Chapter Problems many of which are presented in matched pairs.Read more


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