GD&T: Application and Interpretation 6th Edition 9781631261138
Product Edition:6th Edition
Author: Bruce A. Wilson
Book Name: GD&T: Application and Interpretation
Subject Name: Engineering

GD&T: Application and Interpretation 6th Edition Solutions

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GD&T: Application and Interpretation based on the ASME Y14.5-2009 Dimensioning and Tolerancing standard is targeted to programs that require a study of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing as related to design manufacturing or inspection. This highly illustrated text contains topics ranging from the fundamentals of dimensioning to the extended principles of tolerance application and interpretation. Tolerance application and interpretation explanations are included for all fo the categories of tolerances in the ASME Y14.5 standard. GD&T: Application & Interpretation covers practical applications of GD&T and the benefits of using GD&T in drawing documentation.Illustrations are used extensively to clarify explanations. Color is used in illustrations to separate explanation data from the main portion of the figures. Color is also used to highlight instructional information such as tolerance placement requirements and tolerance one boundaries.Provides in-depth explanations of the practices presented in the ASME Y14.5 standard.Includes hundreds of figures to illustrate ASME Y14.5 practices.Pro Tip Note Standards Advisory and History Brief features highlight critical difficult-to-understand and historical topics.Review questions at the ends of chapters reinforce key concepts.Application problems at the ends of chapters provide activities for making tolerance calculations dimensioning drawings and adding tolerancing requirements to drawings.Read more


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