Fundamentals of Statistics (5th Edition) 5th Edition 9780134508306
Product Edition:5th Edition
Author: Michael Sullivan III
Book Name: Fundamentals of Statistics (5th Edition)
Subject Name: Maths

Fundamentals of Statistics (5th Edition) 5th Edition Solutions

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For courses in Introductory Statistics.�Helping today�s students think statisticallyFundamentals of Statistics is the brief version of Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data.With Fundamentals of Statistics author and instructor Mike Sullivan III draws on his passion for statistics and teaching to provide the tools needed to see that statistics is connected not only within individual concepts but also in the world at large. �As a current introductory statistics instructor Mike Sullivan pulls ideas and strategies used in his classroom into more than 350 new and updated exercises over 100 new and updated examples new Retain Your Knowledge problems and Big Data problems. This practical text takes advantage of the latest statistical software enabling you to focus on building conceptual understanding rather than memorizing formulas. All resources including the Student Activity Workbook and Author in the Classroom videos were created for Mike�s classroom to help you succeed and stay engaged.Also available with MyLab StatisticsMyLab� Statistics is an online homework tutorial and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment students practice what they learn test their understanding and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.�Note: You are purchasing a standalone productMyLab��does not come packaged with this content. Students if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors contact your Pearson representative for more information.�If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab search for:�0134763726 /�9780134763729 Fundamentals of Statistics Plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText - Title-Specific Access Card Package 5/ePackage consists of:0134508300 / 9780134508306 Fundamentals of Statistics0134743296 / 9780134743295 MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText - Standalone Access Card - for Fundamentals of StatisticsRead more


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