Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach 3rd Edition 9780470125373
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: David G. Rethwisch, William D. Callister Jr.
Book Name: Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach
Subject Name: Engineering

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach 3rd Edition Solutions

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This text treats the important properties of the three primary types of materials - metals ceramics and polymers - as well as composites and the relationships that exist between the structural elements of these materials and their properties. Emphasis is placed on mechanical behavior and failure including techniques that are employed to improve the mechanical and failure characteristics in terms of alteration of structural elements. Furthermore individual chapters discuss each of corrosion electrical thermal magnetic and optical properties. New and cutting-edge materials are also discussed.Even if an instructor does not have a strong materials background (i.e. is from mechanical civil chemical or electrical engineering or chemistry departments) he or she can easily teach from this text. The material is not at a level beyond which the students can comprehend - an instructor would not have to supplement in order to bring the students up to the level of the text. Also the author has attempted to write in a concise clear and organized manner using terminology that is familiar to the students. Extensive student and instructor resource supplements are also provided.Read more


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