Fundamentals of Investment Management with S&P bind-in card 9th Edition 9780077219895
Product Edition:9th Edition
Author: Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt
Book Name: Fundamentals of Investment Management with S&P bind-in card
Subject Name: Business

Fundamentals of Investment Management with S&P bind-in card 9th Edition Solutions

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Fundamentals of Investment Management 9th edition by Hirt and Block establishes the appropriate theoretical base of investments while at the same time applying this theory to real-world examples. Students will be able to translate what they have learned in the course to actual participation in the financial markets. The textbook provides students with a survey of the important areas of investments: valuation the marketplace fixed income instruments and markets equity instruments and markets derivative instruments and a cross-section of special topics such as international markets and mutual funds.The authors approach financial analysis the way it is done by many Wall Street firms. Geoff Hirt directed the CFA program for the Investment Analysts Society of Chicago (now the CFA Institute of Chicago) for 15 years and sat on the board of directors from 2002 to 2005. Stan Block has been a practicing CFA for over 20 years. Both professors have taught and advised student managed investment funds at their universities and bring this wealth of learning experiences to the students who study from this text. The authors are user friendly but make no concessions to the importance of covering the latest and most important material for the student of investments.Read more


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