Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition 9780471442509
Product Edition:4th Edition
Author: Theodore H. Okiishi, Donald F. Young, Bruce Munson
Book Name: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Subject Name: Engineering

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition Solutions

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The Student Study Guide to accompany Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 4e features:E�Text. Each new copy of the fourth edition includes a free CD�ROM containing the e�Text�the entire print component of the book in searchable PDF format plus additional material not in the print version.Fluid Mechanics Phenomena brings fluid mechanics to life! A series of 80 short video segments on the CD illustrate various aspects of real�world fluid mechanics. The videos are linked within the e�Text directly to those sections and problems that will most benefit from these illustrations:Many of the segments show how fluid motion relates to familiar devices and everyday experiences.Each segment also clearly indicates the key fluid mechanics topic being demonstrated and provides a description of the content.Review Problems with Complete Solutions. Each chapter in the e�Text provides students with 10�20 review problems that link directly to complete detailed solutions for extra guidance in problem�solving. In addition the review problems are identified by the basic principle they demonstrate allowing students easy reference to areas they need to review.Lab Problems. The e�Text contains 30 extended laboratory problems that involve actual experimental data for simple experiments often found in introductory fluid mechanics labs. The data for these problems is provided in Excel format.Key Words and Topics. Each chapter contains a list of key words and topics. Within the e�Text the key words and topics are linked directly to where those concepts are explained in the chapter. Great for studying�think flashcards!Summary sentences. A brief summary sentence on each page of the text. An effective reference and resource to students these sentences help students locate discussions of important concepts. Used as a study tool the summary sentences guide students to key concept that students need to understand and encourage them to read the text rather than relying on worked out examples.Read more


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