The study of histology requires that students be able to recognise structures within cells and tissues at varying levels of magnification and understand their function within the human body. Since histology is a visual subject high quality images of cells and tissues are vital as a component of course material. In this book concise text relates the structures seen in the images to biological function and integrates clinical relevance by describing how the histology of tissues is affected in abnormal conditions.WINNER - Best Designed Tertiary and Further Education Book at the Australian 58th Annual Book Design Awards 20th May 2010The book will enable the reader to critically evaluate the microscopic structures of tissues and organs and to recognize the association between morphology and cell activity withIntroductory text at the beginning of each chapter summarising the key aspects of morphologyA "Macro to Micro" approach with low magnifications of organs or tissues that enable better appreciation of the relevance of higher magnification imagesImages and artworks integrated into the textAdditionally this text reproduces in print format histologic images that come closer to what is seen down the microscope than any other book. This has been achieved through painstaking preparation of original slides and editing to colour correct where necessary.Chapter 1: The Cell completely revised and expanded to review all the basic concepts of cell biology as it relates to tissue structure and functionA new Chapter : Origin of Primary TissuesExpanded Self-Assessment section to include more �lookalike' tests on a CD or related website. Will include further readingMany more high quality electron micrographs showing cell ultrastructureA technical preface that explains the different types of staining techniques and the difference between electron and light microscopyMagnification bars and staining information against every micrographLearning objectives at the beginning of every chapter and highlighted key termsA CD-ROM or related website that includes additional �lookalike' Q&AsAll chapters revised and updatedupdated clinical notes300+ new imagesNew design - A4 double columnfigures integrated in textnew artworkMany new immunofluorescence imagesRead more
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