Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team, 2e 2nd Edition 9780323261852
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Heather Prendergast BS AS RVT CVPM
Book Name: Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team, 2e
Subject Name: Business

Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team, 2e 2nd Edition Solutions

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A complete guide to veterinary office management Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team 2nd Edition focuses on the day-to-day front office skills you need to become a valuable member of the veterinary team. It covers duties ranging from scheduling appointments to billing and accounting managing inventory and medical records marketing using outside diagnostic laboratory services and communicating effectively and compassionately with clients. This edition includes an updated chapter on pet health insurance and wellness programs as well as updated coverage of office procedures and technology. Step-by-step instructions simplify essential front office tasks!Comprehensive coverage of front office skillsincludes telephone skills appointment scheduling admitting and discharging patients and communicating with clients.Coverage of clinical assisting ranges from examinations and history taking for patients to kennels and boarding procedures as well as radiology and laboratory procedures.Veterinary Ethics and Legal Issues chapter helps you protect the practice and run an office based on ethical principles.An Evolve companion website lets you practice front office tasks with exercises in bookkeeping/accounts receivable appointment management and charting.Downloadable working forms offer practice in completing sample checks laboratory forms and incident reports.Review questions and suggested activities reinforce important concepts presented in each chapter.Information on electronic banking and tax forms ensures that you adhere to the latest financial guidelines.Information on security in office communication covers the most current methods of safe electronic communication.Practice Point boxes highlight practical information to remember while on the job.UPDATED Pet Health Insurance and Wellness Programs chapterdescribes how pet insurance and wellness programs may integrated into a successful business.UPDATED chapters include the most current information on team management human resources marketing inventory management and preparing and maintaining a budget.UPDATED coverage of technology and procedures includes new computer screen shots new photos revised What Would You Do/Not Do boxesaddressing real-life situations and a glossary helping you make a smooth transition into the workplace.Read more


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